Occupational therapy (OT) helps people of all ages to function as independently as possible given their situation. OTs use daily activities (occupations) as therapeutic modalities. The occupation of children is play–that’s why children love coming to therapy at Way to Grow!
Using therapeutic activities, games and equipment, our practitioners help children build skills, calm their nervous systems, develop better self-esteem and gain confidence. Better quality of life for the child and for the whole family.

Occupational therapy services typically include:
- an individualized evaluation to identify strengths and needs and gather history and current information from the child, the family, school personnel and other members of the child’s medical and therapy team (if any).
- a customized intervention plan which identifies outcomes and goals and what strategies or interventions will be used to reach those goals.
- ongoing and periodic reassessment to measure progress, ensure that goals are being met and/or make changes to the intervention plan.
OT focuses on building skills and adapting the environment and/or the task to support your child’s success. Often, at the beginning of the process, we put in place many supports for your child, to decrease frustration and promote success. As your child gains skills, we will reduce the level of support gradually as your child becomes more and more independent.
OT is an evidence-based practice deeply rooted in science. In our practice, we use our training in anatomy and physiology of all body systems, human growth and development (both normal and abnormal), task analysis (which allows us to determine what skills any given activity will require and develop), and an extensive knowledge of play and its relationship to learning. We collaborate with our speech language therapists and co-treatment is available.
Our goal is to maximize independent function, enhance development and minimize disability.